So its Boxing day 2012 and another year that The Arsenal don't have a game due to Tube Strikes. This kinda makes Boxing day a bit of "nothing" day for us fans as all we can do is watch our rivals play.
Although this kind of got me thinking towards January and that Transfer Window. Boxing Day and the January transfer window are very much alike for us, simply in the fact that we're not involved.
Its safe to say we've probably not met expectations but that said on Christmas Day we were 4th in the league and as I write this we're currently 6th with a game in hand (could go 7th if the Spuds draw or beat the the Villa).
Apart from the fact it would have been nice to play today, it was also a good opportunity to continue the little run were starting to develop, we will of course now have to wait till Saturday when we face the Toon, who showed themselves today against Man U that they wont be a push over.
The other interesting thing about the upcoming Newcastle game is that fact we've been linked with their top striker Demba Ba.
Its well reported that Ba has some stupid clause in his contract that come January he can be brought for 7.5-8million. Recent reports have suggested that if he were to leave he'd want in region of 90-100k a week in wages.
I'm pleased with our Striker options as is at the moment (Giroud and Theo, providing we keep Theo) but we could also do with another one, and one of quality. The January window can be tricky for numerous reasons. One of the obvious is who do you buy and where from as if its from outside England you have the added hassle of them settling in. Of course some players do this quicker than other but January onwards is the real business end of the season and you often cant afford to wait for a player to start firing on all cylinders. Another challenge is of course for a team like The Arsenal we have to consider the Champions League and being cup tied, and theres the EPL chase and the FA Cup.
It pains me to say that the Champions League shouldnt even be a consideration, for this season. I dont think we have a strong enough team to win it and I cant honestly think of any non cuptied front man that would benefit us in that en-devour. The other two on the other hand should be considered.
The FA Cup is yet to have been played and with the right player(s) we could at least push the two teams from Manchester while easily getting third.
This is where Demba Ba comes in. He is a proven EPL striker. Since joining the EPL hes scored an impressive 34 goals in 65 games, which is nearly one every two games. Hes shown he has strength, a bit of vision and isn't that slow. The style that The Arsenal play for me would suit him to a tee, and he'd be a good partner for the likes of Giroud and Theo. It would give us attacking options which would make a nice change. Of course theres possible doubts over his fitness. He failed a medical at Stoke which is why he ended up in the East End over at West Ham on a pay as you play contract, but to be fair to him hes never looked back.
If he were to come to The Arsenal I think he'd relish the chance for playing for a "big" team and I think he'd lap up the service from the likes of Cazorla, Wilshere and Arteta.
If The Arsenal are serious about winning trophies then for me, Ba is a no brainer. And don't leave it late. The Window opens January the 1st, the day we play Southampton. The FA Cup is on the 6th. Theres no reason we couldnt have the deal done and dusted by then which is of course a tricky away tie at Swansea.
Im hoping this January wont be the usual looking in from the outside for us fans and watching everyone else do business while we just bob along. And that is why I also hope we sign Ba. To show some purpose at the very least, and at 7.5million, he really could be a BA-rgain.
Keep the Flag Flying High and the Canon Loaded
26 December 2012
22 December 2012
Is Life Under Wenger So Bad?
So, its safe to say that the last week or so has been difficult at best. The loss to Bradford put The Arsenal firmly into a "crisis" or at least it did according to the papers and SkySports news. Wenger on the other hand said the usual "I have belief in this team" and two games on we now sit 3rd in the table, 12pts behind the leaders going into the Christmas Break.
Of course it wasn't just the Bradford defeat that had caused so many fans to say enough is enough and we want Wenger out. That has rumbled on for the last couple of seasons, and the main reason for it? Simply no trophies in 7years.
But is that a fair reflection on a man whom will forever be an Arsenal managerial legend? The Arsenals fans have high expectations, and why shouldn't we? We are The Arsenal and we are the team that by the late 90s and the early noughtys were the team to beat. We battled Man U for EPL titles every season. We won FA Cups and league doubles and we of course had an Invincible season. But since 2005 the well has run dry.
Times have changed, Billionaire owners have came in and took over teams and made them "super powers". Teams that had no history are now out there winning Champions League Trophies and EPL titles while The Arsenal are simply now battling for 4th.....3rd if we're lucky. And for a team of our status that simply is not good enough.
So who is to blame? Our board, for the lack of funds to compete and for letting our players go? Our players for not showing loyalty or passion for the badge? Or as many would now believe is it Wenger, a man with no plan b, poor team selection, and the no trophies for 7yrs.
Now I'm no AKB, I simply respect a man that if we as fans looked at it with some perspective, maybe we'd see that actually hes not done or in fact is not doing that bad a job.
In the 16years Wenger has been here we've won 7 trophies, 2 Doubles, and that Unbeaten season. All that came in such a short space of time that we as Arsenal fans started to believe that the the Era of The Arsenal was upon us. But alas the Russian money machine came in and took over Chelsea, and we started to get left behind. And then came the Dubai Dollars and the change in power up North.
But looking at our record are we under Wenger that bad? If we split the the trophy haul over the 16years, then it works out a trophy roughly every 2 seasons, take that and add the fact that we've made Champions League football every year, and we don't spend vast amounts of money, what Wenger actually achieves is very good.
Times at The Arsenal do appear to be changing. The recent contract extensions for 5 British players shows a mould Wenger has broken. He was always one for buying foreign, and putting trust in other players but our own. Of course theres the Theo saga and The Arsenal only have themselves to blame for that. But even where thats concerned Wenegr seems to be softening by now playing Theo in his "preferred" center role. And with the Stadium all but paid for we, as fans, are told that there is most definitely money there to help make us once again compete at the very top.
Is Wenger the man to do this? I believe yes, for the time being. Theres still one or two things that he needs to iron out. The lack of that Plan B being one of them. But I think as things stand, Life at The arsenal isnt as bad as the Press would like us to believe. If we were told at the start of the season we'd be 3rd going into Christmas, many of us would have taken that.
Maybe all we need to do is keep a little faith. in 16yrs Wenger hasnt done us that wrong. Change is good and freshens things up but lets not just change because the Press tell us we need to. Theres many teams out there that would kill to have Wenger as there manager. Maybe we should be great full for what we have, as it could be a lot worse.
Have a Cracking Christmas and stay safe
Keep the Flag Flying High and the Canon Loaded
Of course it wasn't just the Bradford defeat that had caused so many fans to say enough is enough and we want Wenger out. That has rumbled on for the last couple of seasons, and the main reason for it? Simply no trophies in 7years.
But is that a fair reflection on a man whom will forever be an Arsenal managerial legend? The Arsenals fans have high expectations, and why shouldn't we? We are The Arsenal and we are the team that by the late 90s and the early noughtys were the team to beat. We battled Man U for EPL titles every season. We won FA Cups and league doubles and we of course had an Invincible season. But since 2005 the well has run dry.
Times have changed, Billionaire owners have came in and took over teams and made them "super powers". Teams that had no history are now out there winning Champions League Trophies and EPL titles while The Arsenal are simply now battling for 4th.....3rd if we're lucky. And for a team of our status that simply is not good enough.
So who is to blame? Our board, for the lack of funds to compete and for letting our players go? Our players for not showing loyalty or passion for the badge? Or as many would now believe is it Wenger, a man with no plan b, poor team selection, and the no trophies for 7yrs.
Now I'm no AKB, I simply respect a man that if we as fans looked at it with some perspective, maybe we'd see that actually hes not done or in fact is not doing that bad a job.
In the 16years Wenger has been here we've won 7 trophies, 2 Doubles, and that Unbeaten season. All that came in such a short space of time that we as Arsenal fans started to believe that the the Era of The Arsenal was upon us. But alas the Russian money machine came in and took over Chelsea, and we started to get left behind. And then came the Dubai Dollars and the change in power up North.
But looking at our record are we under Wenger that bad? If we split the the trophy haul over the 16years, then it works out a trophy roughly every 2 seasons, take that and add the fact that we've made Champions League football every year, and we don't spend vast amounts of money, what Wenger actually achieves is very good.
Times at The Arsenal do appear to be changing. The recent contract extensions for 5 British players shows a mould Wenger has broken. He was always one for buying foreign, and putting trust in other players but our own. Of course theres the Theo saga and The Arsenal only have themselves to blame for that. But even where thats concerned Wenegr seems to be softening by now playing Theo in his "preferred" center role. And with the Stadium all but paid for we, as fans, are told that there is most definitely money there to help make us once again compete at the very top.
Is Wenger the man to do this? I believe yes, for the time being. Theres still one or two things that he needs to iron out. The lack of that Plan B being one of them. But I think as things stand, Life at The arsenal isnt as bad as the Press would like us to believe. If we were told at the start of the season we'd be 3rd going into Christmas, many of us would have taken that.
Maybe all we need to do is keep a little faith. in 16yrs Wenger hasnt done us that wrong. Change is good and freshens things up but lets not just change because the Press tell us we need to. Theres many teams out there that would kill to have Wenger as there manager. Maybe we should be great full for what we have, as it could be a lot worse.
Have a Cracking Christmas and stay safe
Keep the Flag Flying High and the Canon Loaded
13 December 2012
So 20 Years on then and no change? But should there be?
Its took me all day yesterday to really digest the magnitude of our defeat against Bradford. I mean losing on Pens, the shame of it.
Of course I jest, it wasnt the loss on Pens that hurt but the fact a team like Bradford had took us to them! Look I'm not gonna say that we werent poor, of course we were, but lets give credit where its due. Bradford played to our frailties, weak at the back on set pieces. Every manager has the manual. And they defended whole heartly, something we could learn from.
We as a team, as a family are going through a rough a time at the moment. But as Monty Python once said, "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" except as a Gooner, there is no bright side, well not that we can see.
Its been reported yesterday and today that Peppy G's first choice is The Arsenal, once of course God himself Arsene Wenger Retires/Gets Sacked/Walks/Gets Abducted By Aliens (you pick most likely).
On January 4th 1992 The Arsenal lost to Wrexham, a team that was at that time at the foot of the football league. We were of course the current top Division Champions. So was the Bradford defeat worse than that? I'd argue no, as the 1992 team were good enough to win a league, we currently simply are not. Ive seen a lot of posts on Twitter and Facebook saying "Wenger Out"...heck theres been the #WengerOut posts and ive even heard rumblings of a "wenger out protest march". But yet surprisingly back in 1992 when we lost, in the FA Cup to Wrexham, these calls never came. But we were mocked, laughed at, even ridiculed, just like now. However Graham was just making his legacy (and what a legacy I might add). Wenger, well some would say hes at the end of his legacy. Hes past it, let him go, put him out to pasture.
I'm not a AKB, but I will say this..... The Bradford defeat was no worse than that night against Wrexham. And whether you like it or not Wenger has a successful past, so did Graham granted, but Wengers surpasses even that.
Theres a lot wrong at The Arsenal at the moment, from management, to players, to BOD and even us fans. But lets put things into perspective. We've had worse results, and when ever history is about to happen we are generally there, good or bad and frankly thats all i se the Bradford defeat as. Just another piece of history that we'll be associated with.
"In Wenger I trust" well no not entirely, but as we've seen at Chelsea the grass isn't always greener and if Pep really does want the Job in 2013, then dont we simply owe it to Wenger to give him this as a Swan Song and hope he can make it a good one come May.
Until Next Time
Keep The Flag Flying And The Canon Loaded
Of course I jest, it wasnt the loss on Pens that hurt but the fact a team like Bradford had took us to them! Look I'm not gonna say that we werent poor, of course we were, but lets give credit where its due. Bradford played to our frailties, weak at the back on set pieces. Every manager has the manual. And they defended whole heartly, something we could learn from.
We as a team, as a family are going through a rough a time at the moment. But as Monty Python once said, "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" except as a Gooner, there is no bright side, well not that we can see.
Its been reported yesterday and today that Peppy G's first choice is The Arsenal, once of course God himself Arsene Wenger Retires/Gets Sacked/Walks/Gets Abducted By Aliens (you pick most likely).
On January 4th 1992 The Arsenal lost to Wrexham, a team that was at that time at the foot of the football league. We were of course the current top Division Champions. So was the Bradford defeat worse than that? I'd argue no, as the 1992 team were good enough to win a league, we currently simply are not. Ive seen a lot of posts on Twitter and Facebook saying "Wenger Out"...heck theres been the #WengerOut posts and ive even heard rumblings of a "wenger out protest march". But yet surprisingly back in 1992 when we lost, in the FA Cup to Wrexham, these calls never came. But we were mocked, laughed at, even ridiculed, just like now. However Graham was just making his legacy (and what a legacy I might add). Wenger, well some would say hes at the end of his legacy. Hes past it, let him go, put him out to pasture.
I'm not a AKB, but I will say this..... The Bradford defeat was no worse than that night against Wrexham. And whether you like it or not Wenger has a successful past, so did Graham granted, but Wengers surpasses even that.
Theres a lot wrong at The Arsenal at the moment, from management, to players, to BOD and even us fans. But lets put things into perspective. We've had worse results, and when ever history is about to happen we are generally there, good or bad and frankly thats all i se the Bradford defeat as. Just another piece of history that we'll be associated with.
"In Wenger I trust" well no not entirely, but as we've seen at Chelsea the grass isn't always greener and if Pep really does want the Job in 2013, then dont we simply owe it to Wenger to give him this as a Swan Song and hope he can make it a good one come May.
Until Next Time
Keep The Flag Flying And The Canon Loaded
12 December 2012
Errrrrrm... We just lost to a League 2 side with a full strength side?
Now I know there is always a chance you can have a blip, but this blip has been going on since the International break and quite frankly I have enough. Firstly let start by telling it how it is. Aaron Ramsey is not could enough to be playing for us, he could have been but since the injury he sustained at the hands of the cavemen he has never been the same. Gervinho in my opinion should never wear an Arsenal shirt again and it worth mentioning that he cost us 10 million! Why does Wenger keep playing this man when he has Podolski to play in that role and Arshavin to play left wing?
Arsene Wenger then goes on to defend 11 Premier League players each earning what over 50K a week? He defends them saying, "It wasn't for the lack of quality" "I'm happy with the way we played" Well Arsene let me tell you, Quality? We didn't have our first shot on target until the 60th min, Happy with the way we played? We couldn't break down a League 2 defense?
I worry for him, I don't want him to go. But he is great danger of losing everything he ever did for this club. All his achievements will come to nothing if keeps playing the formations and tactics he does. He will end up being a hate figure and the reason why this club came tumbling down. Even the most avid Wenger supporter can not defend the performance last night, we could what our performance merited, Nothing.
Isn't about time us Arsenal fans stopped living in past and reliving past glories and stop talking about what has been done, instead talking about what has to be done. I have seen last night on twitter than some fans have turned there back on the club, Some season tickets holders saying they wont return to the Emirates, Some fans even going as far as burning there shirts. While this is highly disappointing the alarm bells are ringing loud and clear at Arsenal and its going to take one hell of job to switch them off.
I myself got what I wanted last night. A strong team and Arsene showing some intent by playing a strong team, at least that what I thought until he says "I'm playing this team tonight because we have a good break after it" Shouldn't he have said " I'm playing this team tonight because I want to win the trophy". Its just sends out the wrong vibes and frustrates everyone involved.
For me the only positive to come out of this game was Jack Whilshire. If he stays fit he is going to be a very special player indeed, but then you ask yourself when will he leave? I would predict that the same thing will happen to Jack as the "others" and he will be gone in 2 years when he realises that his career is going no where at Arsenal and jumps ship for success.
Ill finish on this. The song sang by the Bradford fans night, "He left because your shit" Im afraid you would have to agree. Even the rest that jumped ship could see this coming and leaves me wondering, If you can leave a club and join another one and get paid more money and win medals, I don't think you can blame any of them for doing so.
Sing for the Arsenal
Follow me on twitter @ScottyBoyGooner
Now I know there is always a chance you can have a blip, but this blip has been going on since the International break and quite frankly I have enough. Firstly let start by telling it how it is. Aaron Ramsey is not could enough to be playing for us, he could have been but since the injury he sustained at the hands of the cavemen he has never been the same. Gervinho in my opinion should never wear an Arsenal shirt again and it worth mentioning that he cost us 10 million! Why does Wenger keep playing this man when he has Podolski to play in that role and Arshavin to play left wing?
Arsene Wenger then goes on to defend 11 Premier League players each earning what over 50K a week? He defends them saying, "It wasn't for the lack of quality" "I'm happy with the way we played" Well Arsene let me tell you, Quality? We didn't have our first shot on target until the 60th min, Happy with the way we played? We couldn't break down a League 2 defense?
I worry for him, I don't want him to go. But he is great danger of losing everything he ever did for this club. All his achievements will come to nothing if keeps playing the formations and tactics he does. He will end up being a hate figure and the reason why this club came tumbling down. Even the most avid Wenger supporter can not defend the performance last night, we could what our performance merited, Nothing.
Isn't about time us Arsenal fans stopped living in past and reliving past glories and stop talking about what has been done, instead talking about what has to be done. I have seen last night on twitter than some fans have turned there back on the club, Some season tickets holders saying they wont return to the Emirates, Some fans even going as far as burning there shirts. While this is highly disappointing the alarm bells are ringing loud and clear at Arsenal and its going to take one hell of job to switch them off.
I myself got what I wanted last night. A strong team and Arsene showing some intent by playing a strong team, at least that what I thought until he says "I'm playing this team tonight because we have a good break after it" Shouldn't he have said " I'm playing this team tonight because I want to win the trophy". Its just sends out the wrong vibes and frustrates everyone involved.
For me the only positive to come out of this game was Jack Whilshire. If he stays fit he is going to be a very special player indeed, but then you ask yourself when will he leave? I would predict that the same thing will happen to Jack as the "others" and he will be gone in 2 years when he realises that his career is going no where at Arsenal and jumps ship for success.
Ill finish on this. The song sang by the Bradford fans night, "He left because your shit" Im afraid you would have to agree. Even the rest that jumped ship could see this coming and leaves me wondering, If you can leave a club and join another one and get paid more money and win medals, I don't think you can blame any of them for doing so.
Sing for the Arsenal
Follow me on twitter @ScottyBoyGooner
11 December 2012
From Worthless Cup to Critical One Cup
So tonight sees the Quarter Finals of the League Cup with
The Arsenal in action against Bradford City.
I think its safe to say that over the past few years The
Arsenal, along with the likes of Man United and a few others, haven’t exactly taken
this trophy seriously. In fact from the
1998 season that Worthingtons took it over from Coca-Cola, it has somewhat been
a “joke” cup as far as “big” teams like us were concerned.
That said it hasn’t stopped Man United racking up 3 of them in
the past 10 years and Chelsea winning 2 of them (one against us). We have of course been in the final twice in
that period and both times coming out as the bridesmade…..None more painful than
in 2011 against the mighty Birmingham, which didn’t only signal a cup loss but
ended up starting possibly 3-4 of the worst weeks I care to remember.
Also I guess when you’re winning the trophies such as the
EPL, the FA cup and the Champions League you can see why “top four” teams don’t
worry about it as much. Of course I guess
that’s my point. We’re no longer a “top
four” team in the sense of the word and what it used to mean.
We used to compete for the EPL and FA Cup on a regular basis
but nowadays, we as fans generally concede the league is over come December, and then we hope with all hope
that we’ll get a Home tie against a much lower division team in the FA cup,
just to give us the belief that we can have a run in that campaign to at least
give us something to look forward to for the remainder of the season (other than a months loan return of "The King")
But times have changed and none more so than for The
Arsenal. We no longer field a team of “kids”
but more a team of fringe players and first team, mixed with a sprinkle of
youth. The reasons for this could be
that our “kids” have now become of age and we’re awaiting the next batch. It could be a case that we have such a large squad
that our fringe players need/deserve games.
Or it could be that even Wenger is now accepting that this once “Worthless”
cup is now becoming “Critical” to The Arsenal. Critical in the sense that if we were to win
it, it might help our causes elsewhere.
It would certainly shake the “haven’t won a trophy in 8 years counting”
monkey off our back. And perhaps it would give the team some belief and that all important “knowing how it feels to
win something” mentality. It would also
give us, the fans something to cheer about.
Yes we’ve mocked The Spuds in the past for only having the “worthless”
cup to name in recent times, but even they hit back with “At least we’ve won a
trophy” and that point can not be argued.
But I think even us fans realise now that winning this cup
might not be so “worthless” after all.
You only had to look at fans reactions on Twitter during the last round
against Reading to see just what it meant to us.
I’ve seen today that Wenger is warning against complacency
and god knows that’s always been a big problem with us no matter how much faith
Wenger says he has in there “mental strength”.
He's saying tonight will be a good mix of experienced players, helped by
the fact we don’t play till next Monday. So hopefully we’ll produce the goods. Of course beating Bradford don’t mean we’ll
win it but it puts us a step closer, and who knows maybe the old girl might have
to get those Famous Yellow Ribbons out for a trip to Wembley in what then would
be a “critical” final for so many reasons than just a League Cup.
Until next time.
Keep the Flag flying high and the Canon Loaded
10 December 2012
Good afternoon to all from a cold but bright Cork. It was better on Saturday wasn't it? There was pace in the passing, there looked to be a good directness of play and the team looked like a team again. We started quick and stayed at a good tempo with West Brom not really being able to threaten. The defense looked solid, the midfield were dominant and we played with an all round confidence.
Carzola and Wilshere were tremendous and I'm sure once Santi and Jack have settled in and get working with other week in week out on match days I think they really will become a great great paring. Santi's vision is a joy and watching Jack burst through the middle is screaming more goals but we will give them a little time to gel I think. I was also impressed with Gervinho's work rate, I think he comes in for too much stick sometimes, yes I'm with you all shouting get your head up!! Pass!!! But he really put in a shift on Saturday and I' like to applaud him for it. I know this is his second season and the sitter he missed on Saturday but i feel he will come good.
So the penalty. Now I don't like diving, in fact i detest it. But if we can look back and say "Well our season changed the day Santi took a tumble" Then hey.. But the thing that does get to me is the reaction to it. Straight away on twitter Jug Ears Lineker started going on about what a disgrace Carzola is to game etc etc. My question to him of course wasn't answered, which was how many yellows has Bale got for diving this year? Anyway look yes he dived, yes he conned the ref, but we got three points and that's the bottom line. Why should Arsenal players be the ones subjected to bad press for doing things that United and Liverpool players have been doing for 5 years. So on that note to all you journos I'd like to stick my middle finger up at you all, and ask you go out there and try and a story that would interest people.
So we have supposedly signed Huntelaar for 4 Million? 4 Million!! 58 Goals in 64 matches? I don't think so, do you? Although I'd welcome him I don't think he will come that cheap. But who knows it may be true, but I'll wait till I see a picture of him and Wenger at a press conference.
Also I'd just to mention the BSM marches. There seems to be a bit of confusion about what they are about. They are not an anti Wenger movement, but want the club to run properly. Now I have no problem with that and before people attack them, they should really do a little more research. Who knows if there successful they might save you a few quid on your next season ticket.
A short blog this week I'm afraid as I have had a recent loss in the family and didn't do much work on content but just wanted to let you know I'm still here
Sing for the Arsenal!
Follow me on Twitter @ScottyBoyGooner
Carzola and Wilshere were tremendous and I'm sure once Santi and Jack have settled in and get working with other week in week out on match days I think they really will become a great great paring. Santi's vision is a joy and watching Jack burst through the middle is screaming more goals but we will give them a little time to gel I think. I was also impressed with Gervinho's work rate, I think he comes in for too much stick sometimes, yes I'm with you all shouting get your head up!! Pass!!! But he really put in a shift on Saturday and I' like to applaud him for it. I know this is his second season and the sitter he missed on Saturday but i feel he will come good.
So the penalty. Now I don't like diving, in fact i detest it. But if we can look back and say "Well our season changed the day Santi took a tumble" Then hey.. But the thing that does get to me is the reaction to it. Straight away on twitter Jug Ears Lineker started going on about what a disgrace Carzola is to game etc etc. My question to him of course wasn't answered, which was how many yellows has Bale got for diving this year? Anyway look yes he dived, yes he conned the ref, but we got three points and that's the bottom line. Why should Arsenal players be the ones subjected to bad press for doing things that United and Liverpool players have been doing for 5 years. So on that note to all you journos I'd like to stick my middle finger up at you all, and ask you go out there and try and a story that would interest people.
So we have supposedly signed Huntelaar for 4 Million? 4 Million!! 58 Goals in 64 matches? I don't think so, do you? Although I'd welcome him I don't think he will come that cheap. But who knows it may be true, but I'll wait till I see a picture of him and Wenger at a press conference.
Also I'd just to mention the BSM marches. There seems to be a bit of confusion about what they are about. They are not an anti Wenger movement, but want the club to run properly. Now I have no problem with that and before people attack them, they should really do a little more research. Who knows if there successful they might save you a few quid on your next season ticket.
A short blog this week I'm afraid as I have had a recent loss in the family and didn't do much work on content but just wanted to let you know I'm still here
Sing for the Arsenal!
Follow me on Twitter @ScottyBoyGooner
3 December 2012
No Passion, No Fight!
Well I think I have had enough time to come to terms with what happened on Saturday. I sit here trying to rack my brains about what is going on behind closed doors at Arsenal, because clearly there is something very very wrong. Is it the board, Is it the Manager? Why are the team refusing to show any intent? Any drive or any passion in playing for Arsenal. I'm not anti Wenger, although I may knee jerked after Saturdays game, but it just looks like to me that he has run out of ideas. The formation that he is playing hasn't worked for 7 years, so why oh why! does he stick with it. He has become tacitly unaware, just take the change at Villa, and Theo Walcott is our top scorer, yet Gervinho still gets the nod to play as our striker? On Saturday I have never seen so many crosses go into the box with no Giroud in there to get his head on them? I just don't know what is going through his mind. He says in reports today that he knows where the troubles lie and that he would prefer to sort them out in house, so I would expect no activity in January.
Of course on twitter there was a lot of disgruntled fans calling for the managers head. Also a lot of fans still backing Wenger and asking not to forget what he has done for this club. Well I say to these fans, Yes Arsene has achieved a lot in his career at Arsenal, but he slowly undoing it all with his stubbornness and his lack of ability to change things around when its not going our way. We play a nice style of football, but when we are down or not getting through we haven't got a plan b or new starting point. We just carry on and hope that the break through will come.
The report that Steve Bould went off on one in the dressing room after the game on Saturday, I'm afraid I don't believe, I think its just another attempt to keep the fans happy by saying yeah its ok, Steve went off on one and we are addressing the situation. I'm sorry but I dont believe it for a second.
The January transfer window is only round the corner and I'm afraid all I can see is Sagna and Walcott leaving. Theo has been scoring goals and still ignored in the central role. Sagna? Well its sounds like to me he has got Nasri syndrome and for that fact he can leave.
Arsene Wenger has got to change things. The formation is not working, For me a 4-4-2 has to be looked at. Giroud and Walcott have to be given a chance to form a partnership to save this season. It cant go any worse than what is happening now, Can it?
I expect a very under strength team to be playing in Europe this week. Players have reported that they are finding the going tough with the fixture list. The new players that have come I think have found it a bit of a culture shock.
The thing that worries me the most is that if you look at other teams, such as Utd, City, Chelsea, when they go on a bad run you can see where there is a little tweak needed, With us I cant see it. The fact of the matter is we are miles off being the any where near the mentioned clubs, and something has to change before its to late. To win trophies you have to spend money. When you win trophies and become a success you will make money as a club, Sponsorship deals etc etc. If you don't spend money then you become unnoticed and this is the danger that surrounds our club. Its a danger that I'm afraid is very real and its a serious threat.
So until after the game mid week, try to keep your heads up, although I understand is hard at the moment.
Sing for the Arsenal!
Follow me on Twitter @ScottyBoyGooner
Of course on twitter there was a lot of disgruntled fans calling for the managers head. Also a lot of fans still backing Wenger and asking not to forget what he has done for this club. Well I say to these fans, Yes Arsene has achieved a lot in his career at Arsenal, but he slowly undoing it all with his stubbornness and his lack of ability to change things around when its not going our way. We play a nice style of football, but when we are down or not getting through we haven't got a plan b or new starting point. We just carry on and hope that the break through will come.
The report that Steve Bould went off on one in the dressing room after the game on Saturday, I'm afraid I don't believe, I think its just another attempt to keep the fans happy by saying yeah its ok, Steve went off on one and we are addressing the situation. I'm sorry but I dont believe it for a second.
The January transfer window is only round the corner and I'm afraid all I can see is Sagna and Walcott leaving. Theo has been scoring goals and still ignored in the central role. Sagna? Well its sounds like to me he has got Nasri syndrome and for that fact he can leave.
Arsene Wenger has got to change things. The formation is not working, For me a 4-4-2 has to be looked at. Giroud and Walcott have to be given a chance to form a partnership to save this season. It cant go any worse than what is happening now, Can it?
I expect a very under strength team to be playing in Europe this week. Players have reported that they are finding the going tough with the fixture list. The new players that have come I think have found it a bit of a culture shock.
The thing that worries me the most is that if you look at other teams, such as Utd, City, Chelsea, when they go on a bad run you can see where there is a little tweak needed, With us I cant see it. The fact of the matter is we are miles off being the any where near the mentioned clubs, and something has to change before its to late. To win trophies you have to spend money. When you win trophies and become a success you will make money as a club, Sponsorship deals etc etc. If you don't spend money then you become unnoticed and this is the danger that surrounds our club. Its a danger that I'm afraid is very real and its a serious threat.
So until after the game mid week, try to keep your heads up, although I understand is hard at the moment.
Sing for the Arsenal!
Follow me on Twitter @ScottyBoyGooner
2 December 2012
Changes needed | Thoughts on Wenger/Board | What Will January Bring?
Well, well, well….
Here we are again. The run up to Christmas, the time of the year in which our players fail to play to their ability and Gooners across the globe go wild. It is also known to be the media’s favourite time of year.
So why don’t we address these problems?
Because we don’t know how to. These problems we witness each and every season around this period of time are caused by a number of different issues. Lets crack on…
Now these are my views on the issues causing the poor performances.
*Warning – you may not agree*
Firstly the refusal to change formation. When things aren’t going your way, you change and try something new. Just look what happened at Reading. We put Chamakh up top with Giroud and he actually had a good game. He fed off Giroud’s knock downs and hold up play which hasn’t been happening in the current formation, instead we lose possession. Now I’m not saying start with a 4-4-2, because we don’t have the players to play that formation for 90 minutes as our current wide players aren’t ‘real’ wingers like we used to have in Pires and Ljungberg . Instead we should just switch after 60 minutes if we aren’t creating much, for instance the Swansea game.
Secondly, the squad size. We have 26 first team players and 6 out on loan. Man Utd have 30 first team players. So in truth 4 players doesn’t have much of a difference, instead its the quality. I’m going to break down our squad and create a true picture of our real squad size in terms of quality.
Goalkeepers – Szczesny | The other two are liabilities.
Defenders – Koscielny, Per, Vermaelen, Gibbs|Santos – can’t defend, Jenkinson –will be a good player in the future, Squillaci and Djourou – match made in hell
Midfielders – Santi, Wilshere, Arteta, Rosicky, Ramsey | Diaby – Crocked, Coquelin – too inconsistent, Arshavin – only plays when he wants
Forwards – Podolski, Giroud, Theo (leaving), Ox (current form worrying though) | Chamakh, 2 goals a season striker, Gervinho, loses the ball over and over again.
So if we look at it, we have 1 Goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 4 1/2 (Ramsey) Midfielders and 4 forwards that have the quality to play for Arsenal and make a positive contribution. And we know Wenger knows this himself as he continues to play Cazorla and Arteta even though they are out of steam. As a result, we have a lack of creativity in the side as we don’t have the energy to push the side forward in midfield. A midfield trio that would create lots of opportunities to score if they had a chance to revitalise themselves.
That lack of energy throughout the side was the difference between ourselves and Swansea yesterday. We had more possession, but couldn’t burst forward whereas Swansea had the ability to and also had the fitness to keep going till the end.
Time to move on….
The Board. Those two words have been used a lot recently. Sack The Board seems to be a popular one and in all honesty I can’t praise the board for anything. Not even our stadium because they still took advantage of the fans by charging ridiculous ticket prices. Did they invest the money from the tickets in the squad? No. Did they invest the money from Highbury Square? No. So where is the money going? Oh how its a good time to be a shareholder!
Yesterday we had a poor performance but the Black Scarf Movement protest went very well. There was little abuse of Wenger, there were no stupid comments made to the media and the board was the main focus as it should be. However, I believe Stan couldn’t care less what we think and will be sat in his home comforts oblivious to the protest.
1 December 2012
December is going to be MASSIVE for the Arsenal
You Don't Know What You're Doing...
So I was at Villa away last Saturday with a couple of mates and there were people behind us singing the above - something I most certainly didn't join in with. Fair enough, bringing Coquelin on for the last few minutes did seem baffling but Giroud looked knackered, and in the 10-15 minutes prior to going off he didn't look like he had anything left in the tank. Think he took him off to change things up a bit, something different I suppose, but that's the positive person in me - still wouldn't chant what some people did! What is it with some Arsenal fans hey? Both the boss and Aaron Ramsey came in for a lot of stick from our travelling support - Ramsey was probably our best player! The Ox made worse mistakes and never got anywhere near as criticised as Rambo, which just makes me think he is a target for the boo boys, a scapegoat even. Even at home games I've heard him get criticised for less than others. I appreciate that you as fans/supporters etc have paid your money and want to air your views there and then, but what the boy/team needs at that time is your SUPPORT - I for one never boo when we aren't playing well, because its not going to do any good in my eyes. But hey, that's me, up to the thousands of people who've paid there money to say/do as they wish...
Its a Results Business
I admit that two draws away to Villa and Everton aren't what we needed, I would have taken 4 points out of 6 beforehand but we just couldn't break down a poor Villa side. 1 shot on target really isn't good enough for the calibre of player we have (that was Ramsey by the way!) and at times we seemed to lump it up to Giroud - which we really shouldn't be doing. Think it goes without saying that another striker on the bench would have been useful as like I mentioned above, he seemed knackered in the last 10-15 minutes of that game. If Chamakh can't even get on the bench for Villa away, I wonder what the boss thinks of him...clearly not much!
As for the Everton game, I managed to get a decent stream and from what I saw we were better than against Villa. It was evident we missed Theo at Villa and wasn't a surprise he scored (I had a cheeky quid on him to score!) - his pace really is an asset when we are looking to attack on the front foot against teams (on a side note, I do think he will leave us). For their goal we made a couple of errors, Sagna's pass was a bad one and I think TV5 could've closed down Afroman a bit quicker, or gone in and made a crazy Koscielny style block, but he backed off a bit and the form Fellaini is in he scored. We had a couple of shots in the second half but it could well have gone Everton's way too, 1-1 was probably the 'correct' result but not the one we needed.
December really will be a massive month
As I said in my first and previous blog entry, December I feel will hold the key as to whether we can match the 3rd spot or be there or thereabouts when it comes to the top 4 at the end of the season. With respect to Swansea, West Brom, Reading, Wigan, West Ham and Newcastle, we really should be looking at getting a minimum of 15 points out of 18, especially considering our start to the season. If by new years day when we play Southampton we haven't climbed up in the table from where we currently sit at 7th, I really will surprised (and disappointed too).
We've also got Olympiacos away which will determine whether we top the group (its not as big a deal as in previous years as I think the Champions League is stronger than ever - the likes of PSG, Valencia, Juventus, Shakhtar, AC Milan and Real Madrid could finish second) - our record there is pretty poor so I'm not holding out masses of hope in that regard. Bradford away in the league cup should in theory be straightforward, but then again I was at the Madjeski for the last round and we all know how that turned out! Hopefully a safe passage to the semis - hopefully this year we can bag this trophy that hasn't really been kind to us in the last 5/6 years in terms of finals!
January and that window...
Arsene has teased us a couple of days ago by saying we have money for 2 players - and for once I actually think he will go out and spend. #1 on my hitlist would be a striker to compete centrally with Giroud, and #2 well we could take a player in most positions I reckon so that remains to be seen. Not entirely sure either on Henry and if he will come back - I have mixed feelings on this. He is a legend after all, but at the same time does he still have it to perform at the highest level in what will be a tough 6 weeks? He had a good MLS season, that's for sure, but whether or not that is sufficient I'll let you all decide. All I do know is, regardless of what happens with him, he will always be a legend!
Come On You Gunners!
Time for me to end this piece by saying lets back our boys later against Swansea and for the rest of the season, they're going to need our support! I for one will be singing from the lower tier tomorrow despite the best efforts of Mother Nature!
As ever, feel free to post any comments on here or directly to me on Twitter (@MishalDattani) - always happy to receive feedback and engage in debate with fellow gooners.
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